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Montrose IV Hydration

Rest, Relax, Rehydrate

About Nutrient IV Therapy and Vitamins

I.V. therapies have been used in hospitals and in the battlefield for decades to treat a range of conditions, from dehydration to nutrient-absorption disorders. Now they can be used outside of a hospital setting to improve your health and well-being – whether you suffer from chronic medical conditions or simply want to optimize your health, we can help. I.V. vitamin & hydration therapy is a great way to boost energy, immunity and improve overall wellness. 

At this time we are by appointment only. 


Why get nutrients from an IV?

At Montrose IV Hydration, we understand the stress that is put on your body everyday! Whether it is stress from work and relationships or environmental stressors like pollution and infectious organisms, our bodies are under attack every single day! These stressors wear away the immune system making it difficult to stay healthy. With the daily rat race we are all to familiar with, our bodies do not have an opportunity to recuperate. 

 IV vitamin therapy provides a natural and healthy way to boost your immune system, rehydrate the body, and flush out free radicals in order to help your body work more efficiently and maintain a level of vitamins and minerals. Because you will be receiving the vitamins intravenously, there is nothing to prevent you from gaining all the nutrients available to you. By hydrating the body, bypassing the gut, and cleaning out the system, you will also experience a clearer mind, more energy, and improve your immune system- preventing complications due to everyday stressors.  Should you feel under the weather, IV vitamin therapy will help prevent you from getting sick! Already sick? IV vitamin therapy will get you on your feet quickly by boosting the immune system and allowing your body to heal. 

If you’ve overdone it at the gym, IV vitamin therapy will help to decrease the inflammation brought on by working out, allowing your muscles to bounce back quicker, getting you back to the gym faster! And, if you go out for a night on the town, and over indulged with food and alcohol, IV vitamin therapy will help to flush out your liver, rehydrate your cells, and decrease the inflammation from the side effects of alcohol allowing you to get back in the game quickly!

A bit about our Director

As a Nurse Practitioner for the last 10 years Lisa Peterson has had many years experience in IV therapy and knows first hand how vital they are to improving well being. After spending time in the Military as an Air Force Captain Family Nurse Practitioner, she ended up settling in Montrose and spending the last 6 years working in the local hospital as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. She felt she needed a way to help our community be healthier through nutrition and prevention. Hence, Montrose IV Hydration was established!

As a cattle rancher,  avid dirt biker and outdoor enthusiast Lisa knows all too well the toll the harsh environment of the Western Slope can have on the body. Through access to hydration and IV dosing of vital micronutrients she hopes to enrich the lives of our hard working community and provide support to visitors who may need a boost when coming to our area.

Recover while you rest, relax and rehydrate from:

  • Hangovers
  • Altitude sickness
  • Chronic Exhaustion
  • Sports related fatigue
  • …Or other energy zapper

Treatments typically take 60 minutes or less. 

We have an IV therapy to meet your needs. Choose from:

  • Mt Sneffels Energy Boost
  • The San Juans Radiance
  • Myers Cocktail
  • Peach Valley Immune Therapy 
  • Different types of shots
  • And many more!


Top 10 reasons to Hydrate at Montrose IV Hydration

  • Maximizes Physical Performance
  • Improves Energy Levels and Brain Function
  • Detoxes and Flushes out Toxins
  • Keeps Cells Moving and Minds Sharp
  • Relieves Hangovers and Jet Lag
  • Makes Skin Glow
  • Boosts Metabolism
  • Encourages a Healthy Immune System
  • Minimizes Headaches
  • Improves Overall Mood and Keeps a Smile on Your Face!